What do you do during halftime?
Every football and basketball game has halftime.
The players go back to the locker rooms, grab some water and catch a quick rest. Then the coaches come in and everyone reviews what went good, what went great, what needs improvement, and what not to do again. There may be some yelling, some high-fiving, and then the rally call for the team to 'go out and win'!
Do you have 'halftime' in your career life?
It's summer - punctuated by hot sunny days, vacations, school being out, and longer days.
Not really the time to think about your career aspirations, or is it?
You are halfway through the year - another 6 months and you will have completed another year at your job - what have you achieved?
Let’s take stock - a locker room halftime report if you will - of where you are now - and where you want to be at the end of 2022.
Here’s a checklist to get you started - great thing about this exercise - you can do it anywhere - on the beach in your cabana, waiting in line at Starbucks, watching your kids play in the pool, or at your desk at work.
Another great thing, the answers may surprise you - you may find that you are right on target for where you want to be, or possibly lagging behind.
Hopefully the process will give you a renewed focus and energy for making clear strategic decisions so you can end the year strong!
- What have I already accomplished this year (for those of you who follow my articles - you may remember that this would be easily accessible if you are keeping an accomplishment journal) - not too late to start one!
- What have you overcome? What obstacles, challenges, or problems have you faced so far this year - what did you do - and what was the result?
- Have you checked any boxes for professional development or increased skills? Did you take classes, online training, or attend conferences?
- Dust off last year’s performance appraisal and review the good and the bad. Are there areas that were identified for improvement? What can you do to increase your performance in those areas?
- Have you been having ‘regular’ check-ins and feedback sessions with your boss to make sure you are both on the same page regarding your progress, milestones, and achievements?
- Are you happy in your job or are there aspects of your job that make you happy? If you are not ‘mostly’ happy - figure out what the reasons are, and what YOU can do to change things. Sometimes it is making a shift in routine or delegation; opening communication lines with management, or cross-training - and sometimes it is finding a job where you feel that you will be happy - most of the time.
Once you evaluate where you have been for the past 6 months, identify where you want to go and how you will get there before Dec 31st.
Have you set goals and identified the next steps to on your career journey? If not, honestly evaluate where you are now, and outline the next 3 - 5 crucial steps to get there.
Here are a few questions to ask yourself at the halfway mark:
- Do I still have goals? What are they? Do I still want to go after them?
- Are there goals I can let go of?
- What have I done that went better than expected?
- How can I make a better impact?
- Did a new goal appear? How can I plan to achieve that goal in the next 6 months?
Christmas will be here before you we know it! Design a roadmap (broken down monthly or even weekly or daily for the Type A folks) so that you can stay on course. Plan your work - work your you plan. You will be happy you took a little time this summer to check in with 'career' self!
Championing your success!
What to do next:
1. Dust off your resume – and update it!
2. Create a new resume or contact us to have one created
for you – www.aplatinumresume.com / 719-339-2659
3. Sign up for our upcoming webinar – The 3 Things You Must Know & Do Before You Write Your Own Resume here: https://www.karavarner.com/3ThingsWebinar